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Adventure, beach, Fiji, holiday, Kayaking, Luksea, Ocean, Safety, travel, vacation, Water Sports, Wearable -
Real Life Scenario: Kayaking Gone Wrong
There's nothing scarier than being in a situation where you fear the safety of your children. This is why Luksea was born, to keep families connected while enjoying water sports. The following story shows just how quickly things can turn even if the environment feels safe. Another good lesson and time when Luksea is needed!
Adventure, Australia, Fishing, Luksea, Safety, Snowy Mountains, Thredbo, Wearable -
Real Life Scenario: Fishing on the Banks of Thredbo
What you would do if you were in trouble fishing or enjoying any other adventure sport? At Luksea, we hear lots of stories about close calls, where the Luskea wearable would have improved communication to get help faster. Here's an incredible story from one of our supporters Cliff Evans - Owner of Evans fishing Tackle - happy reading!